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Knéiläng-Leggings Knéiläng-Leggings Knéiläng-Leggings Knéiläng-Leggings Knéiläng-Leggings

Méi Biller

Gréisst EU:
Wat ass meng Gréisst?

Erlieft d'perfekt Kombinatioun vun Komfort a Stil mat eisen Knielangen Leggings. Aus héichqualitativem Material gemaach, sinn dës Leggings speziell fir déi konzipéiert, déi Komfort iwwer Modetrend setzen.

Dës Leggings sinn aus 80% Polyamid an 20% Elasthan gemaach, wat e robust a stretchbare Stoff bitt, deen perfekt fir all Aktivitéit ass. Den héich Polyamid-Anteil sichert Robustheet a Resistenz géint Ofnossen, während d'Elasthan-Komponent Flexibilitéit a Stretch bäisteiert.

Liest méi


Den Asaz vun Spandex Material an eisen Leggings ass revolutionär. Spandex ass bekannt fir seng aussergewéinlech Elastizitéit an Stabilitéit. Et ass och liichtgewiichteg an héich resistenz géint Schwei a Wiederbedingungen, wat et zu enger idealer Wiel fir Aktivkleedung mécht.

Glat an Glänzend Textur

Eis Knieläng Leggings sti mat hirer glat an glänzender Textur eraus. De glänzende Ausgesiicht gëtt den Leggings eng glamouréis Note, wat se passend mécht fir casual an sportlech Ausgesinn. D'glat Textur, op der anerer Säit, bitt e weicht an bequemt Gefill géint d'Haut.

Comfort op sengem Beschten

Mit eisen Knieläng Leggings, ass Comfort garantéiert. De Spandex Material erlaabt enger passender Passform déi sech un Är Kierperform upasst, fir maximalen Comfort ze garantéieren. Ganz egal ob Dir laaft, Yoga mécht, oder einfach doheem relaxt, dës Leggings sinn entworf fir d'ultimativ Comfort Erfarung ze bidden.

Hapt Eegeschaften:

  • 80% Polyamid an 20% Elastan Zesummesetzung fir Langlebigkeet an Flexibilitéit
  • Spandex Material fir aussergewéinlech Elastizitéit an Stabilitéit
  • Glat an glänzend Textur fir een glamouréisen Ausgesinn
  • Knieläng Design fir eng bequem an stylësch Passform

Embracéiert d'Mëschung vun Comfort an Stil mat eisen Knieläng Leggings. Huel Är haut an erliewt den Ënnerscheed!

Versand United States: Gratis Versand iwwer Bestellungsbetrag 100,00 €.

Produkter déi op Lager sinn, ginn direkt no der Bezuelung geschéckt. Fir aner Bestellungen ass d'Waardezäit ongeféier 14 Deeg.

Spandex leggings

(22) Kommentaren
StarsStarsStarsStarsStars 5/5

Order # 1630.Could we change size from 42 large to 44 extra large.Thank you.


Robert Hohman June 23, 2024, at 02:13 am

Order # 1630.Could we change size from 42 large to 44 extra large.


Robert Hohman June 23, 2024, at 02:11 am

Bonjour, je viens de passer une commande (#1586) : est-il possible de la recevoir en point relais ? Merci


Jean September 20, 2023, at 12:27 pm


Kowalski May 29, 2023, at 04:00 am


Kowalski May 28, 2023, at 04:19 pm


Kowalski May 23, 2023, at 09:31 am


Jan May 21, 2023, at 03:49 pm


Jan May 21, 2023, at 03:47 pm

These spandex leggings are amazing! Super comfortable, flexible, and stylish. They fit like a glove and make me feel confident during my workouts. Highly recommend!


Mo.S April 14, 2023, at 05:59 pm



Filomena Sorrentino November 3, 2022, at 09:32 am

Super shiny!


Nicole October 24, 2022, at 08:29 pm

The best leggings!


Olivia K. March 3, 2022, at 09:48 am

I love these leggings. Soon I will order white leggings too.


Michèle February 11, 2022, at 04:54 pm

Beautiful leggings, soft and silky, could wear them all the time,. Love how they are footed


Logan Smith November 12, 2021, at 04:01 am

Zelo všečne pajkice! Hitra dostava. Priporočam nakup!


Sanja P. November 6, 2021, at 02:49 pm


Jill K. October 26, 2021, at 03:42 pm

I love these footed leggings they are so comfortable.


Rosario Kallour September 30, 2021, at 08:58 am

These footed leggings are very comfortable and fit great. The only thing is I don't think wearing these leggings to the grocery store would be a good idea. They are a little on the translucent side. Other then that I love these leggings.


Jamie Burke September 27, 2020, at 02:02 pm

I really love how cozy, comfortable these footed leggings are but I think they are best suited for wearing around the house.


Jamie Burke May 20, 2019, at 01:55 pm

Larger sizes would be nice 22-24 US


Danna Betz April 27, 2019, at 08:50 pm


love them April 4, 2019, at 05:42 pm

I really love that Spandex leggings. It is as comfortable as written on the website - and can be combined with really everything. I myself enjoy wearing it in everyday life, also I am using it in larger runs and yoga sessions which are very powerful (in where the leggings really can be stretched intensively - and still remains comfortable to wear all time). I can really recommend that leggings to my friends - as well as anyone else!!!


Xenia Brühl April 1, 2019, at 03:32 pm


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