Illoginja / Reġistrazzjoni

Skinny-Fit Qliezet sħun b'qadd għoli

Daqs EU:
X'inhu d-daqs tiegħi?

Shorts supersoft, komdi, u tleqq ta 'qadd għoli bil-kulur iswed. Ideali għall-ġiri, attivitajiet sportivi differenti u għall-ilbies ta 'kuljum. Iddisinjat biex joqgħod bil-kumdità u biex jifflaħ il-figura. Huwa jilbsu kullimkien, eleganti u faċli. Dawn il-qliezet sħan imqaxxra huma indispensabbli fil-gwardarobba tiegħek għall-ġranet sħan tas-sajf. Għaqqadhom ma 'xi ħaġa li taqbel perfettament mat-togħma personali tiegħek.

Aqra iktar


  • 80 % poliamide (nylon)
  • 20 % elastan (spandex)

Leggings huma elastiċi ħafna.
Magħmul fis-Slovenja (UE).

Tbaħħir United States: Tbaħħir b'xejn fuq l-ammont tal-ordni 100,00 €.

Il-prodotti li jkunu fl-istokk jintbagħtu immedjatament wara l-ħlas riċevut. Għal ordnijiet oħra l-perjodu ta' stennija huwa ta' madwar 14 ijiem.

Spandex leggings

(21) Kummenti
StarsStarsStarsStarsStars 5/5

Bonjour, je viens de passer une commande (#1586) : est-il possible de la recevoir en point relais ? Merci


Jean September 20, 2023, at 12:27 pm


Kowalski May 29, 2023, at 04:00 am


Kowalski May 28, 2023, at 04:19 pm


Kowalski May 23, 2023, at 09:31 am


Jan May 21, 2023, at 03:49 pm


Jan May 21, 2023, at 03:47 pm

These spandex leggings are amazing! Super comfortable, flexible, and stylish. They fit like a glove and make me feel confident during my workouts. Highly recommend!


Mo.S April 14, 2023, at 05:59 pm



Filomena Sorrentino November 3, 2022, at 09:32 am

Super shiny!


Nicole October 24, 2022, at 08:29 pm

The best leggings!


Olivia K. March 3, 2022, at 09:48 am

I love these leggings. Soon I will order white leggings too.


Michèle February 11, 2022, at 04:54 pm

Beautiful leggings, soft and silky, could wear them all the time,. Love how they are footed


Logan Smith November 12, 2021, at 04:01 am

Zelo všečne pajkice! Hitra dostava. Priporočam nakup!


Sanja P. November 6, 2021, at 02:49 pm


Jill K. October 26, 2021, at 03:42 pm

I love these footed leggings they are so comfortable.


Rosario Kallour September 30, 2021, at 08:58 am

Got these for my girl friend and they were too tight for her so I tried them on. They look and feel good so I am going to keep them for myself. I do love the fit and how comfortable these leggings are.


Jamie April 1, 2019, at 04:22 pm

These footed leggings are very comfortable and fit great. The only thing is I don't think wearing these leggings to the grocery store would be a good idea. They are a little on the translucent side. Other then that I love these leggings.


Jamie Burke September 27, 2020, at 02:02 pm

I really love how cozy, comfortable these footed leggings are but I think they are best suited for wearing around the house.


Jamie Burke May 20, 2019, at 01:55 pm

Larger sizes would be nice 22-24 US


Danna Betz April 27, 2019, at 08:50 pm


love them April 4, 2019, at 05:42 pm

I really love that Spandex leggings. It is as comfortable as written on the website - and can be combined with really everything. I myself enjoy wearing it in everyday life, also I am using it in larger runs and yoga sessions which are very powerful (in where the leggings really can be stretched intensively - and still remains comfortable to wear all time). I can really recommend that leggings to my friends - as well as anyone else!!!


Xenia Brühl April 1, 2019, at 03:32 pm


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